Executing Machine Learning Codes on Docker Container
Now a days Containerization Technology is very rapidly growing day by day. Docker is the most popular Container Tools used very extensively by the industries. Today we are going to execute ML on the Docker container . In this tutorial my base OS will be RHEL8. Here we will gonna predict the Salary of employees on the basis of their years of Experience.

Pulling centos image from Docker HUB.

We have downloaded centos latest image.

We are launching a Centos OS .

Here we have been using the help of yum repository to install Python3.

We have installed the libraries Pandas and Sklrearn which will going to help us to create a ML model.

Docker cp command is used to copy the dataset from my Base OS redhat 8 to my container Centos.

ML model is created. And saved as salary.pk1.

Here our model is created and we can easily predict the salary of a person on the basis of their Experience.