If we talk about 15–20 years ago. It has been a very difficult task to do image processing . As the technology grows we may able to create some tools and technologies which helps us to do image processing in an easy and efficient manner.
Now I tried to show you some practical based on Image Processing.
Practical 1 : Create a image by yourself using Python Code. We will gonna use Numpy operations to create a SWASTIK. First we will gonna create a black image . Then create SWASTIK pattern over it .

An image full of black color is created.

This is our code which will create SWASTIK over the black image.

This is our final image.
Practical2: Take two images and crop some part of them and swap it. We will take two cars one is ASTON MARTIN and BENTLEY , we will interchange their number plates.

It is our First Car ASTON MARTIN having number V12AMR.

It is our second car BENTLEY having number W14BML.

This is our code to swap number plates.

Number Plate of ASTON MARTIN changed from V12AMR →>> W14BML

Number Plate of BENTLEY change from W14BML →> V12AMR
Practical3: Take two images and combine it to from one single image. Here we have two images one is Rishabh Pant and the other is World Test Champioship Trophy. We will make a collage of both of them.

Image1 having Rishabh Pant.

Image 2 having WTC TROPHY.

This is our code for collage.

Here we have the merged image.